Dr. Klēn Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for Pets (150 Tablets) ▪︎ 潔博士高效環保消毒水溶片(增量裝) 150 粒



Dr. Klēn Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for Pets 潔博士高效環保消毒水溶片(增量裝) 150 粒 Dr. Klēn高效環保消毒水溶片 醫療級消毒、殺菌、除臭 +殺滅99.9% 細菌,真菌,病毒 (包括冠狀病毒)* +成分獲世衛、英國及美國醫療權威組織認可推薦^ +用途廣泛 -包括家居清潔,用品消毒,醫療護理 +嬰幼兒及寵物友善 +經濟方便易儲存 +pH親膚不刺激 +成分可生物分解 Dr. Klēn ­EFFERVESCENT DISINFECTANT TABLETS for Pets Sanitize ‧ Cleanse ‧ Deodorize - Kills 99.9% Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Protozoa, including COVID-19* - Ingredient NaDCC is recommended by WHO, NHS, CDC and Unicef - Multipurpose, effective, simple and easy to store - Fast acting, works within 30 seconds - pH friendly and gentle on skin - Alternative to Bleach & Alcohol *Certified by MS ISO/IEC 17025 Dr. Klēn suitable for: - Sanitization for pet beds, mats, kennels, furniture, sofa and general environment. - Eliminates pet urine odor and smell. - Sanitization and cleaning for floors, pet toys, bowls, utensils. - Safe and no harm for pets and babies." ^World Health Organization Guideline ; OSL Disease Commodity Packages COVID-19 v5 *certified by MS ISO/IEC 17025"
